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How American Black Walnuts Support the Immune System

 New research underscores the need for consumers to support immune health through diet. Brands and retailers can help champion the “new normal,” with a focus on healthy ingredients like American Black Walnuts. This is the first in a timely series from the American Black Walnut Marketing Board spotlighting how the food industry can effectively address this critical need.

The global Covid-19 pandemic has radically and permanently altered how people live—and eat. While the infection curve has slowly descended, the appearance of “delta” and other variants have created a residue of permanently changed habits and behavior. Both on a cultural and personal level, the world faces a significant “new normal,” particularly awareness of the body’s immune system. And every company involved in food production and sales will need to adapt.

One of the major lessons already learned—and showing up in new consumer behavior—is the role of diet in supporting resistance to and recovery from Covid-19 and other infectious diseases. Enforced shelter-at-home orders forced people to cook at home in unprecedented numbers creating a new awareness of how “food as medicine” can support good health. As the country has opened up, data shows that shoppers have a heightened awareness of healthy food choices.

More than 76% of American adults “have changed how they eat due to Covid-19 home-sheltering,” says a research report from The Food Industry Association (FMI) and The Hartman Group, released May 8, 2020, with more than a third reporting healthier eating habits than before the pandemic. They are cooking more—and one in five are trying new dishes more often. Two of the key priorities for consumers today are “something interesting to eat,” and “enough basic nutrition” from their food. For the food industry, that means a focus on new ingredients that offer exceptional nutrition.

A June 2021 article published by the Institute of Food Technologists, “Covid-19 Triggers 2021 Food Trends, Opportunities,” stated that, “Eating for Immune Health Steals the Spotlight… (2021) will bring an increasing awareness of the importance of a healthy microbiota, from the immunity benefits to the promise of personalized nutrition, which will spur research efforts on the microbiome and lead to products with strong scientific backing.”


The main healthy eating priority is support for the immune system, which continues to receive major press—especially the effectiveness of foods in their natural state. “A truly healthy immune system depends on a balanced mix of vitamins and minerals over time. With some exceptions, it’s best to get your vitamins and minerals from your food rather than in pill form,” explains Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RD, LD, the manager of Wellness Nutrition Services at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute.

This is consistent with current recommendations from the National Institutes of Health, which emphasize: “Choose foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, B6 and B12, zinc, and iron such as citrus fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, and dairy products.” (Nutrition recommendations during COVID-19 pandemic, NIH)

This heightened focus on immune system support and healthier eating stresses the important role of tree nuts. That combined with consumer interest in superfoods, and interesting new ingredients has brought serious attention to indigenous, sustainable American Black Walnuts. With the highest protein of any tree nut, Black Walnuts also are low in saturated fat, high in unsaturated fat, contain vitamin A, iron, minerals and fiber and serve as a cholesterol- and sugar-free snack or ingredient. They also are a hand-harvested, wild species that grows in abundance throughout the United States. For generations, Black Walnuts have been popular in baking, ice cream, snacks, and fine dining, appearing in dishes served at the White House.

Black Walnuts are a rich source of phytosterols, especially beta-sitosterol, which have been shown to help prevent obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease while promoting lower cholesterol, lower inflammation and anticancer activity, according to a 2019 report published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis.

Today, Black Walnuts are receiving attention for their superfood status and sustainability, and key role in providing essential nutrients in support of optimal health through diet. Black Walnut pieces, oil, and a new high protein flour are in the vanguard of new product development. They are poised to become even more important in support of the “new normal.”

This report may be reprinted or quoted with attribution.

For Product Information Visit:

American Black Walnut Marketing Board | (417) 276-5181


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Home Baking: Back and Here to Stay